My use of Twitter and my attending local professional events have had a big impact on what I'm reading. Indeed, both have increased my reading greatly.
Everyday I spend at least a few minutes on Twitter -- time which often surfaces an abundance of online reading riches. You can get a sense of what comprises this reading by taking a look at my tweet stream, since I often tweet or retweet about compelling readings I learn about via Twitter. A few recent examples:
- The Unexpected Benefits of Rapid Prototyping -- In this Harvard Business Review blog post, Roger Martin (former Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto) describes how the process of rapid prototyping can improve the relationship between designers and their clients. Roger and a colleague wrote about the importance of designing this critical relationship in a piece published in interactions magazine when I was its Co-Editor-in-Chief. This blog post extends that article.

- Cleveland Clinic's Patient Satisfaction Strategy: A Millennial-Friendly Experience Overhaul -- Here, Micah Solomon describes one of the ways one healthcare organization is improving the patient experience. The Cleveland Clinic was the first major healthcare organization to appoint a Chief Experience Officer, a role for which many experience designers and experience design managers have advocated for years for all sorts of organizations. This blog post reveals the role continues to have an impact in an industry not well known for being patient-centric.
- some of the blog posts written for interactions magazine -- Too few people know about these posts, as they are somewhat hidden away and don't all receive (individual) promotion via Twitter. But some are excellent. I've been most impressed by those authored by Jonathan Grudin (e.g., Metablog: The Decline of Discussion) and those authored by Aaron Marcus (e.g., My Apple was a Lemon). A guy named Richard Anderson occasionally has a couple of worthwhile things to say here as well. ;-)
- The essential secret to successful user experience design -- Here, Paul Boag echoes something that I've written about for interactions (see Are you trying to solve the right problem?) -- something Don Norman has been emphasizing of late in several of his speaking engagements:
Essential, indeed.
- Epatients: The hackers of the healthcare world -- This excellent post from 2012 shows how Twitter users don't always focus on the new. Here, Fred Trotter describes and provides advice for becoming a type of patient that healthcare designers need to learn from, as I described in another piece I wrote for interactions (see Learning from ePatient( Scholar)s).
Local events I attend sometimes feature authors of books, and sometimes those books are given away to attendees. I've been fortunate to have attended many events recently when that happened.
Lithium hosts a series of presentations by or conversations with noted authors about their books in San Francisco. Free books I received because of this series:
- What's the Future of Business? Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences -- This book by digital media analyst Brian Solis alerts businesses to the importance of designing experiences. I've found the book a bit challenging to read, but its message and words of guidance to businesses are important to experience designers.
- Your Network is Your Net Worth: Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections for Wealth, Success, and Happiness in the Digital Age -- I think I'm pretty well-connected as it is, but I'm finding this book by Porter Gale to be of value. You might as well.
- Crossing the Chasm (3rd edition) -- Attending Lithium's conversation with Geoffrey Moore about the updated edition of his classic book was well worth the time, as I suspect will be true of reading the book. I should have read the 1st or 2nd edition; now I can catch up.
I attend numerous events at Stanford University. A recent event there featured Don Norman talking about his new edition of The Design of Everyday Things. I loved the original (when it was entitled The Psychology of Everyday Things), and shortly after this event, Don sent a copy of the new edition to me. It included the kind inscription: "To Richard -- Friend, colleague, and the best moderator ever." (I've interviewed Don on stage several times, once transcribed for an interactions article; see also the partial transcript and video of the most recent interview, with Jon Kolko.) I'm looking forward to reading this new edition and to interviewing him on stage again.
Carbon Five hosts public events every so often in San Francisco. Authors of three books were featured recently (two of which were given away):
- The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets -- Authors Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits join the many now touting lean in this book about starting or evolving businesses. This is a valuable read, given that designers are increasingly playing key roles in these activities.

- Loyalty 3.0: How to Revolutionize Customer and Employee Engagement with Big Data and Gamification -- Here, Rajat Paharia, founder of Bunchball, offers a book that should be of great interest to experience designers. I've found the book to be too formulaic in structure and presentation, but...
- Rise of the DEO: Leadership by Design -- The enjoyment of the on-stage interview of authors Maria Giudice and Christopher Ireland prompted me to purchase this book, which proved to also be too formulaic for my tastes. Yet, given the increasing importance of the presence of design-oriented leaders in executive offices...
At a recent event launching GfK's new UX San Francisco labs, Aga Bojko talked a bit about her new book, Eye Tracking the User Experience: A Practical Guide to Research. In addition to offering complementary copies of the book, this event offered some of the best port I've ever tasted, from three different vintners! Plus Arnie Lund spoke about user-centered innovation. An excellent event it was, plus the book looks excellent as well.
Always an excellent event is the (near) weekly local live broadcast of the radio show West Coast Live. Early during the show, audience volunteers operate an ancient maritime device known as the biospherical digital optical aquaphone, after which the volunteers receive a gift. Recently, that gift was a copy of the book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life -- a book by Scott Adams, who was once a guest on the show and is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip. I wasn't sure I'd read the book, but I've found it to be thoughtful, entertaining, and compelling. And given the current mantra in our business regarding the importance of failing often and quickly...
Neo, the employer of Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience, hosts a series of events on lean UX in San Francisco. I heard Jeff speak about lean UX just before the publication of his book last year, and at a recent event, Neo was handing out a few copies. I'm finding the book to be concise and a quick read -- an excellent supplement to Jeff's talk and the many articles and presentations I've seen on the topic.
Kim Erwin spoke about her new book, Communicating the New: Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation, at another recent event in San Francisco. Unfortunately (and surprisingly, given the tendency revealed above), she was not giving away copies of her book, but since her talk was terrific, I made the purchase. I'm glad I did -- an excellent book touting collaboration and participation.
One of the final two books I'll mention -- and I could mention more! -- was sent to me by UX designer Katie McCurdy, whom I first met at Stanford Medicine X 2012. Katie and I were both there as ePatient scholars, so she knew of my health(care) nightmare story and knew that I would want to read a similar story told by Susannah Cahalan in the gripping book, Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness. This book and a similar book entitled Brain Wreck: A patient's unrelenting journey to save her mind and restore her spirit by Becky Dennis say much about why and how the U.S. healthcare system needs to be redesigned. All experience designers working in healthcare need to read these books and the many patient stories like them that are available on the internet.
Is this a typical collection of reading material for someone working in the experience design (strategy) field? Probably not, but I kinda think it should be. Is this typically how people working in this field learn about and acquire their reading material? Again, probably not, particularly for those who don't live in a place like the San Francisco Bay Area. But I'm delighted with the mix of reading material I learn about and consume due to serendipity. Thank you to those I follow on Twitter, and thank you to those responsible for local professional events.