According to Curtis, innovation is now the primary means of growth, prosperity, and quality of life. Yet, he claims, remarkably few individuals, teams, and enterprises possess all of the disciplined skills needed to identify and develop opportunities for innovation.
Claiming a need for a new generation of innovation best practices, Curtis identified Doug Engelbart as an exemplar of someone whose very different way of working enabled his achievement of profound innovations.

One "paradigm" likely to impede consideration of Curtis Carlson's message is the view that "good management kills innovation" -- a commonly-held perspective described on the PARC auditorium stage a couple of years ago. Curtis argues that the opposite is true.
And there are many "paradigms" that impede consideration of some of the ways of working that are particularly conducive to identifying and developing opportunities for innovation.

Are your ways of working particularly conducive to identifying and developing opportunities for innovation?
photo courtesy of Eugene Eric Kim and taken at the 3rd anniversary party of Blue Oxen Associates; that is Trace Cohen on the left, Doug in the middle, and me on the right